Freitag, 30. Januar 2015


What I love about snow is that it makes everything so quiet. The loudness of the streets and the voices turns into silence. The only thing you can hear are your own steps, that you take through the ankle deep snow. And what I also love about snow is how you seem to share it with other people. Everyone goes out and has fun in the snow and no one cares about the cold air whilst building a snowman. We didn't have a carrot or a top-hat but we still manages to build a pretty cool snowman who was as tall as me and had a cute smile on his face. 
It was getting late and dark and a small thunderstorm had blended within the falling snow and so my boyfriend, his roommate and I decided to leave the park and head back home, where btw. he cooked me THE most amazing meal ever!
It's funny though. I don't seem to have any bad memories about snow. All my childhood memories about snow are amazing and my early twenties are even more amazing. Like the time around Christmas in 2010 when I started working at the theatre and my colleagues (who have turned into great friends) partied the whole night through and I had to walk home at 7 am on a Sunday in knee-deep snow and it didn't even bother me because I knew that whenever the snow would fall again, it would be a gentle reminder of those great nights I shared with people I care so much about. And my snowy memorie collections gets even more amazing because now the love of my life is taking up a whole new lovely chapter. And I am so calm at the thought of him being in all my future memories about snow. 
And as I smile to myself I keep wondering what is more beautiful: unknowingly creating memories or those memories coming back to you with the best timing. And as unique as each and every snowflake is, so are the feelings we saviour in our hearts.

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